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Bourse De Commerce Tickets

Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection: Experience Contemporary Art in Paris

Purchase Tickets Online for Hassle-Free Entry

Plan your visit to the Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection in advance by purchasing tickets online. This ensures your entry to this renowned contemporary art museum, located in the heart of Paris. Alternatively, tickets can be reserved at the Information-Ticket Desk opposite the museum's entrance, but availability is not guaranteed.

Immerse Yourself in the World of Experimental Noise

The Bourse de Commerce presents a special concert by acclaimed Japanese guitarist and singer Keiji Haino, an iconic figure in the experimental noise scene. Don't miss this opportunity to witness his intense and radical performance up close.

Concessions and Guided Tours for Various Groups

Individuals aged 18-26, students, teachers, job seekers, and lecturers can benefit from reduced admission rates. Additionally, the museum offers guided tours (75 minutes) in French, available daily. These tours provide an in-depth exploration of the Bourse de Commerce's captivating art collection.

Contemporary Art Haven in collaboration with Renowned Individuals

The Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection is a sanctuary for contemporary art lovers, showcasing a carefully curated collection assembled by renowned art collector François Pinault. The museum's stunning architecture, designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Tadao Ando, complements the art seamlessly, creating an unforgettable experience for visitors.
